The Future of Buildings Already Exists: Fitwel to Join PERE Asia Summit 2023

Real estate value has always been a reflection of demand. 

Historically, society valued real estate based on how well it met the fundamental needs for human survival. As demand from people has evolved from basic survival to quality of life, what we value in our buildings and communities reflects this demand. The pandemic spurred a seismic shift in demand for healthy environments at both the individual level as well as the investor level, resulting in the need for a new blueprint for decision-making in real estate – one where the health and well-being of people and communities are prioritized.

This topic will be the focus of Joanna Frank’s keynote at PERE’s Asia Summit in February, where the most influential institutional investors and real estate fund managers in the world will come together to discuss perspectives on the future of the built environment. In her keynote, The Future of Buildings Already Exists: How Do You Stack Up?, Ms. Frank will highlight the financial correlations between demand and value throughout history and why healthy buildings and the "S" in ESG metrics are the untapped value-creation opportunity. She'll also unveil a new product that will define excellence in building health in 2023 and beyond.

The conference will take place over a three-day period in Singapore from February 21-23, with speakers and attendees from leading firms including GRESB, Oxford Properties, and CBRE.

To learn more about the PERE Conference and to register, visit the conference website here.

To learn more about Fitwel’s commitment to the industry in defining and quantifying the role of health in the built environment, click here.


Healthy Building Profile: iCity - Zhuhai, China


Future Proofing Buildings through People-Centric Proptech: Fitwel to Join IMN’s ESG & Decarbonizing Real Estate Forum